
Cancer is sort of like a machine; this evil energy force turned on and turned loose in my body. 


We happen to be blessed with two of the world’s top Oncologists specializing in Multiple Myeloma (MM) – right here in our area (NJ). 


In the midst of all this adjustment, I have managed to discover an untapped indulgence – a throwback from my youth.

Clean Living

Some smokers do, and yet other smokers never get lung cancer; and what about those stricken who never smoked at all. 

New Normal

Mundane, repetitive, boring, consistent, uninteresting, droll, predictable - everything about a routine sounds blah. 


In retrospect, the first inkling I had of a possible blood-borne issue came about 8 months prior to my diagnosis. 


The earth spins at roughly 1,000-mph, so as you can imagine things happen very quickly at that velocity. 


How does this happen?!  Not: how does this happen to me – I don’t deserve it.  But: how does it happen physiologically?