About The Canswer Man:

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A simple man with a simple plan: Kick the Big "C" with a cocktail of family/friend love, unapologetic laughter and a dash of Nat-titude.  And if I'm lucky, maybe even one of my odd-servations will help with YOUR situation.

Please join me on my selfish/selfless journey --- to infinity, and beyond!

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L'Chaim !

L'Chaim !

I have professed and promised to “keep it light,” and the ensuing is not necessarily a radical departure from that undertaking.  However, consider for a moment (without judgment) the following: Am I living with cancer or dying from cancer?  Like so many aspects of our journey, this question brushes up against the harsh reality of life - life with cancer.  And like so many aspects of our journey, I have the power to chose to either be consumed by this question or motivated by it.  Motivated ?!?!

The medical answer to the question is ultimately out of my hands.  Assuming that I maintain my regimen and keep my “carcinogenic” nose clean - yes, I can affect my perpetuation.  But as arbitrary as the fate of my diagnosis and condition was, any new demon (cancerous or otherwise) could be lurking in the dark-unknown of my future.  One need only be reminded of the proverbial "hit by a bus" scenario to be grounded in the frailty of life and fragility of longevity - though it does behoove us to live by the adage to look both ways before crossing the street; real or metaphoric.

However, the psychological and emotional answer to the question is well within my hands.  If I want to be sad or morose or blue about the unknown outcome - I can allow my brain to take me there (dragging along the rest of my posse with me).  But if I want to be optimistic and accepting and acknowledging of my inability to control that part of my future, then that is within my grasp as well.  I'm not talking Pollyanna and "Rosen-colored" glasses here.  They say that denial is a river in Egypt.  I'm not ignoring would could be waiting around the corner for me medically, I'm simply not willing to waste time worrying about it, and miss out on all of the upside that life is offering me. 

So, I consciously choose to be motivated to assume the best and make the most of whatever time I have.  i’ve got the cancer in me, but I also have the power in me (and lest we not forget, I too got the music in me).  Let’s not get mired in morbidity here, rather let’s celebrate the potential and power of positive thinking - It’s in our hands (be it cancer, or any other challenge).  The glass is half full, so let's fill it and raise it "to life!"

“ 12.6 ”

“ 12.6 ”

