About The Canswer Man:

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A simple man with a simple plan: Kick the Big "C" with a cocktail of family/friend love, unapologetic laughter and a dash of Nat-titude.  And if I'm lucky, maybe even one of my odd-servations will help with YOUR situation.

Please join me on my selfish/selfless journey --- to infinity, and beyond!

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As a survivor, I feel like I have a certain responsibility to give back based on the "life" that has been given to me.  Perhaps it's not all that heavy (I have been accused of not taking this seriously enough; and have documented my perspective on that), but my job-description-of-life has taken on a few more bullet points.

I have a responsibility to diligently take my meds and be consistent in that task.  Making sure that any side effects which may arise, I need to report to my Onc team.

I have a responsibility to keep my Onc team aware of any changes in my physiology (beyond what they can tell from the comprehensive data gleaned from my regular blood-work).  Keeping them informed and involved; and resisting my natural inclination to be worried that I'm being a nuisance, when they want to know anything that changes about my health.

I have a responsibility to take good care of my newfound salubriousness and guard it well.  We don't often get a second chance, and so I need to work hard to stay healthy.  That shouldn't be too hard.  I will catch a cold now and then, but rest, rest, rest - say it, believe it, do it!

I have a responsibility to maintain a perspective for all those around me.  This is not about me or my cancer.  This is about moving forward, taking advantage of tomorrow, accepting (compartmentalizing) the past, and keeping eyes ahead for everyone who is along as a passenger on this journey.

I have a responsibility as part of my role in a family - a large and growing family.  I'm the dad, the husband, the brother, the father-in-law, the uncle, the cousin, the brother-in-law - and so much more.  But not the victim.  

I have a responsibility to demonstrate to the world that this is what is possible with a little luck and lot of modern science.  Recovery is attainable and returning to life as we knew it is the light at the end of the tunnel.

I have a responsibility to share my story with anyone in need, who is interested, struggling, scared or confused about their cancer journey or that of their loved one.  I'm not here to foist my story upon others, but rather to listen for those in need, gauge what kind of support they need (lots, some or none), and give selflessly so that others in any small way may benefit/heal/grow.



