About The Canswer Man:

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A simple man with a simple plan: Kick the Big "C" with a cocktail of family/friend love, unapologetic laughter and a dash of Nat-titude.  And if I'm lucky, maybe even one of my odd-servations will help with YOUR situation.

Please join me on my selfish/selfless journey --- to infinity, and beyond!

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I have been so fortunate throughout my journey that I have had the backing of family and friends to help keep me on track along the way. But oddly enough, today's offering is not about me. It's about the many folks who aren't as supported as I am/was - who must sail these choppy waters all on their own.

Having that advocacy of a Nurse Navigator brings so much more reinforcement to their needs. Getting the many appointments scheduled, and/or rescheduled. Arranging transportation to and from those sessions (the "out time" is always a variable and hard to plan a ride for - Uber/Lyft helps, but not everyone can afford that). Making sure that their daily regimen is accurate (drugs or dosing can change often); that prescriptions are being refilled (staying ahead of their completion); with the proper regular doctors' approval (many of these heavily-regulated drugs need new scripts EACH time); and any necessary adjustments due to adverse reactions (which can be many and often, until the cocktail is just right). Helping keep track of the pattern and dosing of chemos or other treatment meds - pre and during each clinic session. Connecting with the Onc team at any point along the way when even the tiniest aspect of all the aforementioned is changed; and the resulting cascading modifications. Cancer, unlike most other medical maladies, has so many complexities and idiosyncrasies that the presence of a Nurse Navigator provides a powerful player - especially for those without that kind of team.

Don't get me wrong, the processes and procedures aren't purposely ponderous, but there is a LOT going on. My background in "selling" oncology has helped give me a degree of awareness (albeit - a small degree). I do find that it helps me manage much of the mystery. I'm less overwhelmed by the mystique of the white coat (cultural myth that the doctor/nurse is always right), and more confident to ask when I think something might be off or mistaken. My questioning is never met with dismissal or resistance, but rather the acknowledgement that: they are dealing with many patients, and I am only dealing with one patient - me. So many amazing health professionals are involved in the care of a cancer patient. Fortunately, Nurse Navigators have been added to that treatment team.



