About The Canswer Man:

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A simple man with a simple plan: Kick the Big "C" with a cocktail of family/friend love, unapologetic laughter and a dash of Nat-titude.  And if I'm lucky, maybe even one of my odd-servations will help with YOUR situation.

Please join me on my selfish/selfless journey --- to infinity, and beyond!

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I spent my impressionable pre-adolescent formative years being taken by my mother to do my clothes shopping in the "Husky" section - tucked away in the back corner of the basement level of our local JC Penney store at the Knollwood Mall (located next to the very first Target store; a modest one-off discount retailer back then). I was never one of the “skinny kids” as evidenced by the near-insulting euphemism for my couture size designation Husky (and affirmed by my junior high school Phys Ed failings to do a pull-up or crack a 15-minute mile). But I'm not too scarred. For years, my New Year's resolution was to: lose weight and gain wait.

One of the tangential health warning signs for cancer among people around my age is weight loss (weight loss or gain of 10 pounds or more for no known reason). I’ve dropped a few pounds over the past couple of months - which would seem noteworthy for someone like me with a low metabolism and a WFH job that has me sitting at a desk for many hours of the workday (basically inactive). I’ve always had a niggling few pounds to shed so I wasn’t sad or worried to see the numbers on the scale ‘slowly’ trend down over time.

My appetite has been normal; no sustained nausea from the low-level chemo pill that I take daily. Though I do feel fuller faster which I attribute to maturing, and recognizing or acknowledging being satiated (while finally overcoming the conditioning to clean my plate and not throw away/waste food - children are starving in China). What that's old saying about the best exercise to lose weight is to push yourself away from the table. So no real agita; with some healthy upside as I downsize. It’s not enough reduction to warrant a new wardrobe, or major health concern (my lbs. are noted at every clinic session), so I’ll keep an eye on it while enjoying a little less chafing in my Chinos and paunch in my Polos. Rest assured, I am nowhere near losing too much, but I'll keep my eyes on the size and continue the pursuit of healthy eating and healthy living - - - other than the cancer part, of course.

Dr. S 2.0

Dr. S 2.0

Mr. Nat-ural

Mr. Nat-ural