About The Canswer Man:

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A simple man with a simple plan: Kick the Big "C" with a cocktail of family/friend love, unapologetic laughter and a dash of Nat-titude.  And if I'm lucky, maybe even one of my odd-servations will help with YOUR situation.

Please join me on my selfish/selfless journey --- to infinity, and beyond!

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What kind of person are you?  If asked to describe yourself in one word, not one word exclusively, but one of a few one-word characterizations, what would you say?  Well, since no one is stepping up to answer - I'll go first.

Among a few one-word retorts that I may use, I'd say I'm a person who likes a challenge.  Not a climb Mount Everest challenge, or never-train-and-then-run-a-NYC Marathon challenge.  Rather, someone who sees a confrontation and tries to find a way to "win" (ie: get around, through or over the barrier).

For example, I like the challenge of trying to come up with something cogent and coherent each week to serve as a blog post of my thoughts and experiences as a person living with cancer.  Surely, no one among you faithful approx 65 readers would lose sleep if I skipped a week, but I like challenging myself to keep it rolling.

I like the challenge of not using the same word twice in the same sentence (generally adverbs or adjectives, but really any/all words apply).  When possible, I even stretch that test to "no repeats" in the same blog post, but oftentimes poetic license takes over again, and again, and again.

Or the challenge of watching a bad movie all the way through to the end.  Mind you, I don't go out seeking the green 'splat' of known Rotten Tomatoes clunkers.  However, if a film had mixed reviews, and it includes an actor/actors or a director that I generally like, then I'm going to give it a chance and stick it out to the end (it has to get better eventually, right?!  . . .  Roll Credits). 

And even striving to win over a nasty, arrogant or ignorant client (they are plentiful in my business). I foolishly believe that every Grinch has a heart in there somewhere and I'm going to try to win them over with professionalism and humor.  Or, eventually, I just keep my mouth shut and do the best I can until the job is over (which can be challenging itself).

Knowing me, by now I'm sure you can see where this is going.  Yes, I am taking on my cancer diagnosis and life as a challenge. To see how well I can manage: the reality of the Big C, the side effects, the impact to my ongoing existence (albeit minimal), that little minx known as 'treatment fatigue,' and the unusual longevity of the as-of-yet incurable Multiple Myeloma.  I was drafted into this adventure without my choice, so in a sense I'm like Jeff Bridges in the classic Tron; my life has been gamified and it's up to me to find a way "out" - surviving as long as I can until the cure is available. So far - so good.



